21-25 october 2010
La Leche League at the Salone del Gusto
promotes breastfeeding as the first presidium with a food chain -2 cm long, the shortest in the world
Children breast-fed by the mother have access for several months to a food especially prepared for them, and consume it in the exact place where it is produced; this is known as the world's shortest food chain, a chain of "- 2 cm": this is in fact more or less the length of the nipple in the baby's mouth.
The breast-fed infant also enjoys a unique privilege: he/she learns the flavors of his homeland, transmitted to him/her by the mother through breast milk. He/she therefore drinks a mostly local food, which in addition to nutrition, antibodies and other precious substances, transmits CULTURE
(over: a child drinksmilk from the source and eats Genoese focaccia).
In this eighth edition of the Salone del Gusto La Leche League will be present in the breastfeeding corner for the usual mother-to-mother support. Worldwide, the La Leche League Leaders will use the occasion of the Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre to remind people (during meetings and by means of phone calls and responses to help-forms received from the web-site) that breast milk is the perfect example of healthy, local and slow food.
Terra Madre is a world-wide meeting of the network of over 5,000 representatives of food communities, cooks, teachers, young people from around the world, committed to promoting local, sustainable food production, in balance with our planet, and respectful of knowledge passed from generation to generation. La Leche League Italia will ask the members of the Terra Madre network to tell their stories and show pictures of breastfeeding in their different cultures.
La Leche League International is an association founded in 1956, managed in Italy by some 140 volunteer Consultants who offer free advice (by telephone and on-line) and organize meetings all over Italy.
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